Shopping and Services

Part of Bundoran’s seaside heritage mentioned on the previous page is visible in the trinket and souvenir shops on Bundoran’s Main Street. Amidst the sticks of rock and china mementos you will also find the rare and exotic, so enjoy your search.

For the surfer, Bundoran Surf Co and Surfworld will kit the beginner or professional surfer out with a wide range of surfboards, wetsuits, leashes, board bags, wax, board keys and other accessories. Of course if it’s just the surfer “look” you’re after, both stores will cater for your hoodies, jackets, t-shirts and swimwear.

Two top class pharmacies in town will not only cater for your medical and prescription needs but also for your perfumes, aftershaves, makeup, gift and photographic needs. Cara Pharmacy and Pillbox Pharmacy’s helpful staff will ensure you are looked after. 

Could you really leave Bundoran without a souvenir postcard or famous stick of Bundoran Rock?
American House, Strands Home & Gifts, The Irish Gift Shop, Ruths and Paraphernalia will be happy to provide you with a memory of Bundoran!

If you need a new mobile phone or mobile broadband to complete your stay as well as advice on dialling home drop into Alpha Communications at East End who will help you stay connected.

Going out on the town? Look no further than Image at Bundoran Retail Park to get those heads turning.

Shopping and Services