Water Arrangements following plant flood

‪#‎IrishWater‬ Update on Bundoran Water Supply

Irish Water Major Incident Plan to provide water to customers in Bundoran
The Bundoran Water treatment plant is located adjacent to Lough Melvin serving 6,000 customers in the areas of Bundoran Town and environs, Loughside (Co. Leitrim) and surrounding areas.

Following incessant rain over the weekend from Storm Desmond, water levels at Lough Melvin continue to rise to an unprecedented level and the Bundoran Water Treatment Plant remains flooded.

Water was turned off to sections of the Bundoran network and other parts were supplied from an alternative source to conserve supply. Further interruptions will continue to be experienced from today and throughout Monday/Tuesday and will affect the entire Bundoran area.

Irish Water has introduced a major incident plan to provide water to customers served from this source. Part of this plan involves the provision of Mobile Water Tankers and Standpipe that will be located at strategic points throughout the Bundoran network. These locations are as follows:

• Bowser Location No. 1: Sea Front Carpark, Astoria Road
• Bowser Location No. 2: Central Lane Car Park
• Bowser Location No. 3: Old Tullaghan Road, Magheracar
• Bowser Location No. 4: BMG Hardware, Access Road
• Standpipe Location: Market Yard, Ballyshannon (adjacent to fire station)

Operational changes to the network are also being undertaken as part of this major incident plan to keep customers in supply where possible.
Customers may experience low pressure or loss of supply over the coming days and are asked to conserve water until the plant is returned to full operations.

Irish Water would like to apologise to all customers affected by this incident.
Irish Water would like to thank Donegal LA staff, the HSE and the ESB for their continuing efforts with dealing with this on-going incident.
A map showing the location of the Bowers will be available on Irish Water’s website, (www.water.ie) and Donegal County Council’s website, (www.donegalcoco.ie) as soon as possible.
Customers are advised to contact the IW website at www.water.ie or alternatively contact its customer service call centre at 1890 278 278.

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