Bundoran Autumn Courses
Bundoran Autumn Courses
Why not try one of the Bundoran Autumn Courses? With the summer over, it’s time to start getting back into routine and maybe find a new hobby or learn a new skill. There’s plenty of opportunity in Bundoran and we’ve listed some of them below. We will add to this blog as we get more info.
Kids Woodcraft Course

Train to be a surf and outdoor instructor
The Outdoor Instructor Training Course (OITC) is a training course for candidates who wish to become instructors working in the area of surfing and other beach & land-based activities. This course concentrates mainly on the RLSS Beach Lifeguard Award and training for the ISA level 1 surf coach award. Over the ten weeks, candidates will also train in land-based activities, leadership skills, team building & development and beach first aid skills.
For more details click here
Train to be Surf Instructor & Beach Lifeguard

Surfs up! Apply online today for our next Surf Instructor and Beach Lifeguard training course starting in October: https://
Specific skills training courses are co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Social Fund as part of the ESF Programme for Employability, Inclusion and Learning (PEIL) 2014-2020. #EUinMyRegion
Youth Soccer Clinic at Kinlough Astro Pitch
5.09 2019 starting basketball for adults 5€ FEE from 8pm to 10pm everyone welcome in Bundoran secondary schools and basketball for kids from age 6 to 14 starting 6.09.2019 from 5pm to 7pm evry Friday fee 4€ in Bundoran secondary schools for more information call Miroslav 0879215810
Run your own tourism business
For more info click here
Learn a language!
For more on what’s happening in Bundoran this Autumn see www.discoverbundoran.com/events