Support Local Businesses
Support local businesses during this time! Many local businesses have been forced to close, however, many of these still offer online shopping or the chance to buy a voucher. We ask, where you can, to do your best to support them, even to just buy a voucher for use at a later date. To find out about other business opening hours in Bundoran during the Coronavirus pandemic click here
Donegal Equestrian Centre
Purchase gift cards and vouchers for Donegal Equestrian Centre
Surfworld Bundoran
Purchase a wide range of wetsuits and accessories with free shipping on orders over €100
Great Northern Hotel
Purchase gift vouchers for when the hotel re-opens. Also available by phone : 00353719841204 or email: reservations@
Cara Pharmacy
Shop online for a wide range of cosmetics and stay at home essentials
Support Local Businesses!
The Bike Stop
Shop for repairs or pickup/drop off. Call 085 2488317 or email
The Wishing Chair Shop
Shop for local Irish made arts, crafts and gifts
Bundoran Golf Club
Shop now and get back to golf in Bundoran this Autumn! Monday to Friday, for September a flat fee of €20. Monday to Friday for October a flat fee of €20 and for the weekends in October a fee of €25. Contact or phone 0719841302 or