Host Family Opportunities at DELS

Host Family Opportunities at DELS

Donegal English Language School is offering a unique chance for local families in the Bundoran, Ballyshannon, Kinlough, Tullaghan and surrounding areas to become paid hosts for their international students. The language school based in Bundoran’s West End has been welcoming international students for decades to learn English and to experience Irish culture. Want to earn…

Reeling in Bundoran 2023

Reeling in Bundoran 2023

We’re reeling in Bundoran for 2023 as it’s once again time to look back on things that happened in the town over the past 12 months! As usual we remind you that this is just a snapshot of the year – the highlights – and doesn’t claim to be a comprehensive review – but we…

bundoran car show donations

€2,700 presented to Bundoran charities and community groups

Donations were made on Thursday (14th December) to 7 charities and community groups as a result of proceeds to the annual Vintage & Classic Car Show which took place on July 16th in Bundoran. The beneficiary groups were Bundoran Community Centre, Bundoran RNLI, Donegal Bay Community First Responders, Ozanam House, Bundoran Tidy Towns, Temple Street…

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