Failte Ireland Destination Town – Bundoran is full steam ahead
The Bundoran Town Team is forging ahead with its plans as part of Failte Ireland’s Destination Town initiative, despite the current situation and significant disruption it is causing worldwide.
Just before Christmas 2019, the town received word that it had been selected as the national tourism development authority’s destination town for county Donegal and would receive a €500,000 cash injection to help make the seaside resort more appealing and attractive to visitors and potential visitors.
Since the award announcement, the Bundoran Town Team, made up of business, community and tourism representatives from the town, has been working together closely with Donegal County Council to realise the project and to ensure input from a cross section of the town.
Chairperson of Bundoran Town Team John O’Connell says the team has been taking advantage of the down time afforded them due to the pandemic ‘the team has been meeting regularly online over the past few months to share ideas which will ultimately form the master plan which will see this initiative come together in the next 24 months. The funding has been awarded to us under 6 specific headings
- Landscaping at the three roundabouts
- Provision of sculptures
- Provision of signage
- Upgrade of 3 side streets (Meehans, Central, Rennisons)
- Public Realm Enhancement
- Shop Front Enhancement
“We are now looking for further input from the community, as at the end of the day, this will be a project for the entire community – our residents and visitors. Under the headings listed above, we are looking for ideas. Remember we only have €500,000 for this project and it won’t go too far once we get through the 6 headings, however we are always exploring new streams of funding to assist with other projects and we hope that this will just be the start of many great projects to come that will enhance the town into the future.’
Submissions are welcome via or hand written submissions (to include name and contact number) can be dropped into the Tourist Office.
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