The beneficiary community and charity partners receiving their cheques from the proceeds of the annual charity day with Pippa The Penguin, Frankie O'Gorman and Anderson Keys of Waterworld

Waterworld Bundoran call for 2019 Community & Local Charity Partners

Ireland’s Premiere Indoor Aqua Adventure playground, Waterworld Bundoran, now in its 28th season, is seeking applications from community and local charity partners to become the beneficiaries of its annual birthday celebrations on Saturday June 1st

The community and local charity partnership with Waterworld offers beneficiaries a unique fundraising opportunity where a percentage of each admission to the facility on the day will be given to the partners.

Groups and local charities from the region and beyond are invited to submit information about their organisation as well as their reasons why they should become one of this year’s charity and community partners. Anderson Keys General Manager of Waterworld explains ‘the community supports us each year and this is our way of giving back. It’s a very simple concept – we choose up to 4 beneficiaries, they then encourage their supporters to visit us on the day – the more people through the door, the more they get. Local charities and community groups have benefited by thousands of euros over the last number of years.’

Any group or local charity wishing to be considered as one of this year’s partners should submit via email, a short synopsis of their group or organisation and the reasons they think they should become one of the partners.

Applications, marked “Community & Local Charity Partner” should be sent to by Friday 10th May at 5pm.

Waterworld is open weekends during May and will open daily from Friday 1st of June for the summer season. The facility will open from 11pm-5pm weekdays and 12pm – 6pm weekends until the end of June and from 10am-7pm for July and August. More information on


Read more about last year’s beneficiaries here

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