Bundoran 2011

Reeling in Bundoran – 2011

We’re continuing our look back at Bundoran’s decade with 2011. This year is probably best remembered for the town hosting the European Surfing Championships (Eurosurf) and also the first Cara Bundoran Run!

Running for fun!

The first Cara Bundoran Run took place on Saturday March 5th 2011 – just a few hundred ran the first one. For the last few years it’s been capped at 2,500!! The 10th annual event will take place in 2020.

Launching Eurosurf

12th March 2011 – With a major European surf event announced for the town in September, the launch took place just before St Patrick’s Day at the Peak restaurant. The Irish surf team were in attendance as well as representatives from sponsors Failte Ireland.


Sunny St Patrick’s

A few days later, the sun shone for St Patrick’s Day!


Low Low Tide

A few days later on March 20th we had quite the low tide…! Not very often you can walk down this far!


Bundoran pier on 20th March 2011

Sea Sessions launched

On April 1st, Sea Sessions had its Dublin launch in the Workman’s Club. Some of those attending from Bundoran were Conor Flannery, Shane Smyth, Bianca Carlin Rosanio and Shane Campbell.

Sea Sessions & THAT photo of President Higgins!

June 30th – July 2nd On the lineup that year was Ziggy Marley and Bell X1. A very special visitor dropped by on his presidential campaign trail… Michael D Higgins TD who promised to return in 2012 if he was elected to Aras an Uachtaráin! It’s also where THAT photo (below) was taken of him on the BMX. You can read the story of that here


THAT photo of President Higgins on a BMX was taken right here in Bundoran! Pic courtesy Michael Donnelly/Sea Sessions.


Bundoran remained as beautiful as ever as is evident from this amazing photo captured by Linda McNulty on August 6th 2011.

We’ve got Eurosurf fever Ted!

By the end of August and start of September Eurosurf fever was starting to take over as we looked forward to hosting the European Surfing Championships!

Even Calum Best got in on the action during his visit to Cara Pharmacy

Bundoran welcomes Europe

The opening ceremony took place on Saturday 24th of September with special guest Bethany Hamilton, subject of the movie “Soul Surfer” which had its gala Irish screening that night at Eclipse Cinemas. Bethany is pictured below with the volunteer crew of Bundoran RNLI Lifeboat.

The sands of the nation represents each participating country in Eurosurf 2011 and contains sand from each country. The top layer of sand is from Bundoran – the host. The sand jar has survived to this day and is currently on display in Bundoran museum at the community centre.

The tourist office became quite the media hub for the duration of the event with live broadcasts from Ocean FM, RTE Radio 1 and Newstalk

Damien O’Reilly broadcasts Countrywide from Bundoran Lifeboat Station
Bundoran gets "Down to Business" with Bobby Kerr on Newstalk and Bundoran Tourism officer Tracy Ferguson.
Bundoran gets “Down to Business” with Bobby Kerr on Newstalk and Bundoran Tourism officer Tracy Ferguson.
Francie Boylan broadcasts on Ocean FM
Francie Boylan broadcasts on Ocean FM


Winner Winner chicken dinner!

The winning country was Portugal who won three of the seven different categories, with two second-place finishes, one third place and one fourth.

Ireland’s own Ashleigh Smith placed 2nd in the bodyboarding during the competition.

Bundoran 2011


Check out the rest of our decades blogs here:

Reeling in Bundoran 2010

Reeling in Bundoran 2012

Reeling in Bundoran 2013

Reeling in Bundoran 2014

Reeling in Bundoran 2015

Reeling in Bundoran 2016

Reeling in Bundoran 2017

Reeling in Bundoran 2018

Reeling in Bundoran 2019

Don’t forget to check us out on Instagram here

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